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Husband Quote of the Day
by Liza in

My husband makes me laugh.  Especially when it comes to things he says about or to the baby in my belly.  Today he comes into my office and says, "I can't believe we're growing a new person.  I've never even made a snowman."  Luckily, I'm a snowman-making veteran and I'm the one making the person.
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I Peed Out My Baby
by Liza in

Last night I realized that I had a gyno visit on Wednesday so I better do some tree trimming, as it were, which I do on the toilet.  So, I trim.  And then I pee.  And, somewhere between trimming and peeing and probably because baby brain can make you a little loopy, I forgot that I trimmed.  And I glance down, see a patch of trimmings floating around, and for the briefest of moments, my brain goes, "Oh my God! I've peed out my baby!"  True story.
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